Drake Real Estate Office Hours:

Drake University | Old Main, Room 324

​Phone: 515-343-6759   Email: dwhite@allterraproperties.com

​Work Orders: reworkorders@v-lanterna.com

Off-campus rental housing available for Drake students

Please view our list of current vacancies!

what is drake real estate student housing

Drake Real Estate student housing offers apartments and houses, owned by Drake University, for rent to students enrolled at the University. All of the properties are located adjacent to the campus perimeter and within easy walking distance to classes, campus activities along with several local businesses.

Drake Real Estate properties range from older homes that have been converted into apartments to many single-family homes and multi-unit buildings. Drake Real Estate offers 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom houses. Each unit is equipped with a stove and refrigerator. All other furnishings are the responsibility of the tenant.

​Drake Real Estate is available during regular business hours Monday thru Friday to address non-emergency issues and work orders. After hours and emergency maintenance service is also available.